add a new "Waveband Locator" panel for quickly changing renderer bands of the current raster layer

Issue #895 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Originated from discussion with @Agustin Lobo in #892.

The panel should adopt to the renderer of the currently selected raster layer. If the renderer is multicolor RGB, show sliders for changing the red, green and blue band. If the renderer is single band gray, show a slider for the gray band.

If wavelength information is available, show buttons for selecting some prominent wavebands known from Landsat / Sentinel-2. Just use the same wavebands as used in the Spectral Index Creator:

In case of multicolor RGB renderer, also allow to quickly select some prominent band combinations known for Landsat / Sentinal-2. Just use the same band combinations as used in the Color Space Explorer:

Allow for a quick data min-max stretch update for newly selected bands.

Comments (19)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    The new panel greatly enhances the functionality of the current Raster Bands widget in the layer properties, which is currently broken (#689):

    Also, having this functionality in a panel allows for much faster interactions compared to opening the layer properties dialog all the time.

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    further improved min/max value settings; buttons for wavebands not covered by the layer wavelength are now hidden (e,g, Thermal bands ar usually not available)

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    Hi @Agustin Lobo , do you have any further comments regarding the Waveband Locator panel?

  4. Agustin Lobo

    Very nice, congratulations and many thanks. Some comments:

    1. How are the specific wavelengths linked to the B, G, R etc buttons? There should be a configuration file.
    2. Visualization: let the user define its own indices in a configuration file, and get this indices in the list.
    3. Pseudo. Great "manual" tool, but please also add a set of standard color ramps
    4. Default. Do not understand
    5. Spectral Linking. Confused. According to the name, I thought I could define here the wavelengths associated to each button, but this is rather about stretching.
    6. Why is this tool named "Waveband Locator"? What about "Advanced Raster Symbology"?

  5. Andreas Janz reporter

    How are the specific wavelengths linked to the B, G, R etc buttons? There should be a configuration file.

    We follow the specifications given by the Awesome Spectral Indices project:

    We use center wavelength and FWHM from Sentinel-2 und Landsat 8 (only for Thermal):

    The button tooltips also show the center wavelength:

    Having a configuration file sounds good, will discuss this with the team.

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    Visualization: let the user define its own indices in a configuration file, and get this indices in the list.

    Also a good idea to have a config file for predefined RGB combinations. Will discuss with the team.

  7. Andreas Janz reporter

    Pseudo. Great "manual" tool, but please also add a set of standard color ramps

    Don’t you see all those?:

  8. Andreas Janz reporter

    Default. Do not understand

    If you click on the Default tab, the layer style is set back to the original style (the style used before selecting the layer).

  9. Andreas Janz reporter

    Spectral Linking. Confused. According to the name, I thought I could define here the wavelengths associated to each button, but this is rather about stretching.

    Alright, confusion is not good. I guess, I didn’t got the design right 😀.

    The idea is to select additional raster, that change there styles according to the selected (reference) layer. E.g. you could use an EnMAP raster and spectrally link a PRISMA raster to it.

    Now, when you select “Natural color (R-G-B)” for the EnMAP raster as visualization, the linked PRISMA style is also changed to natural colors.

    Spectral Linking is a bit more detailed in this issue:

  10. Andreas Janz reporter

    Why is this tool named "Waveband Locator"? What about "Advanced Raster Symbology"?

    Thanks for the suggestion, will discuss this in the team.

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