Cooldown as a demi+donor on /up arnt decreesing

Issue #381 new
Bowbyslag created an issue

we are in this situation that i am a Demigod and have the command /up there will take me x blocks in the sky, but when i got demigodrank there was written that a demigod will get 50% cooldown on all the commands. so atm i haveing a cooldown on 20 sec as a demigod, but a obsidian donor there also have /up command will have the same cooldown before using that command again. so the "problem" is only that i will like to get the /up command down to 10 sec.

while we are talking about this /up command are there still 20sec cooldown even if you are a Godrank donor, i can imagen those gods will be happy if that got fixed asweel:)

best regards ~Bowby~

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