OpenXML (docx) &amp converted to &

Issue #454 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 454 created by on 2015-04-07T15:46:25.000Z:

&amp converted to & in mc:AlternateContent/mc:Choice

& sign inside mc:Fallback converting without problems int & sign,
& sign in mc:Choice converting into &

<mc:Choice Requires="wpg">
<w:t xml:space="preserve"> & </w:t>
<mc:Fallback xmlns:w15="">
<w:t xml:space="preserve"> & </w:t>

(File with & don't open with MSO)

Sample of document in attachment.

okapi-dev (okapi)

Comments (14)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 4. originally posted by @ysavourel on 2015-04-18T18:13:03.000Z:

    Thanks for the testcase Andriy. The same bug also applies to < and > in unused altContent, which your fix doesn't cover. I'm going to extend the testcase and your patch to cover those as well.

  2. vince62s

    Hi, I think I still have the issue with & => & in the chart.xml file embedded in the docx file. [for an included chart object in the doc file]

  3. vince62s

    yes of course. I attached 2 files one is test.docx from which I run extract you will see on the last page 6 graphs. the first 2 of the 6 include somewhere the sequence S&P coded as S&P for "standard and poors". I f I process this file through exctraction and then merge with no text change, then the S&P is recoded as S&P instead of keeping S&P

    hope this is clear.

  4. vince62s

    just to make myself clear, you need to unzip the .docx file and look at \word\charts\chart7.xml and chart8.xml of the 2 docx files

  5. Chase Tingley

    You've split this off as Issue #526, it looks like? I will take a look over there.

    (Edit: I said I wasn't getting notifications on this, but actually I just missed them. Sorry!)

  6. vince62s

    Yes I did create new one #526 because this one was tagged as resolved... sorry for duplicate, feel free to close the other one. Cheers

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