OpenXML filter with chart.xml embedded in docx file &amp => & issue

Issue #526 resolved
vince62s created an issue

Similar issue to #454 but #454 seem closed as resolved.

Here is the issue : name.docx contains a graph that appears as chart.xml when you unzip the docx file.

If chart.xml contains the sequence & like in the string "S&P" for "S&P" then after the 2 operations extract + merge the target file contains "S&P" instead of "S&P" in the embedded chart.xml file. exmaple files attached in the issue #454 blocking issue since the target .docx file is corrupted. Cheers, Vincent

Comments (5)

  1. Chase Tingley

    Fix issue #526 - entities in non-translated word charts could corrupt

    This is sort of a bandage fix, since some of this stuff ought to be
    translatable eventually.

    → <<cset 6231d5165e97>>

  2. Chase Tingley

    This fix has been merged to the matecat branch but it isn't yet on dev or in nightly builds. I will merge matecat down to dev soon and this will end up in the nightlies.

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