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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2023-08_09_Atlantic

FAPI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes (2023-08-09)

The meeting was called to order at 14:03 UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Nat)

  • Attendees: Dave Tonge, Joseph Heenan, Nat Sakimura, Arnaud Bruyer, Peter Stanley, Michael Palage, Peter Wallach, Craig Borysowich, Fabio Szescsik, Mark Andrus, Domingos Creado, Daniel Fett, Kosuke Koiwai
  • Regrets: Mike Lesczc,

3.   Events (Mike L.)

3.2.   OIX

September 27/28

3.4.   IIW Workshop

OIDF planning workshop prior to IIW on Oct 9 at Cisco in Mountain View, California.

Details TBD

4.   Liaison/Ext Org (Mike)

4.1.   Brazil

Continuing to discuss Payments

Awaiting response

4.2.   Spec Status

Grant Management has 2nd Implementer’s drafts but there are no published specs for them.

The spec file names seem to be mixed uo was referenced in public review announcement

The specs should clearly state draft status and version instead of relying on file name.

There are discussions in OpenID Connect WG to alter older versions of specs to include links to newer versions.

RFCs have links to newer versions of specs.

May need a clear process on how alter older specs with new links to new versions

MikeL is awaiting reply on how to handle files.

The announcement for ID2 ( links to the ID1 draft.

There was no final ID2 file created. is latest ID2 draft but has ID1 in name.

Nat will clarify with MikeL


Interested parties should contact Nat for access and review.

5.   PRs (Dave)

  • PR #430 - fixes #458 - FAPI1 Part1: not clear as to which auth flows are supported
    • requires response_type = code or code id_token
  • PR #429 - fixes #527 - Create security note/consideration on B. Access Token Injection with ID Token Replay (FAPI 1.0 Advanced)
      • There is concern that mentioning at_hash as a possible mitigation can be misread as a requirement
    • ID Token is not required so at_hash can be read as requiring an ID Token
    • Joseph will review and suggest possible wording
    • FAPI 2 only returns ID Token from token endpoint and is not relied upon for any security property
    • OIDC allows ID Token in front-channel for UI performance
    • Some ecosystems do not want to return PII via browser
    • ID Tokens in FAPI 1.0 which contain PII should be encrypted. Not all PII need to stringently managed
    • Sub in ID Token can be sensitive PII depending on it’s value / context
  • PR #417 - ciba refactor to support FAPI2
    • Dave is working on addressing comments from Tim.
    • Signed requests are optional
    • Update normative references
  • PR #431 - Proposal to fix Issue #617
    • There is confusion regarding resource server as clients and regular client in the introspection request
    • Brian proposed some text
    • Taka will review and Daniel will make updates to PR

6.   Issues (Dave)

  • #618 - Certification/conformance: Strictness of checking error responses
    • Some negative test cases that test security properties
    • Some clients returned different error codes than specified
    • The certification team is asking if the error code conditions should be relaxed
    • Some conformance tests that are unrecoverable at the authorization endpoint and which result in a error displayed have been relaxed so this seems uncontroversial
    • The cases to relax these restrictions are cases where the client cannot recover from and normally do not happen in production systems
    • Allow multiple error codes will have implications for clients and libraries
    • Clients have no way to know in which cases to relax error codes
    • AS should not return different code than spec allows
    • Issue arose due to a bank trying to certify FAPI deployment but changing AS software is complicated
    • Conformance suite has a range of warning results that are not hard pass/fail
    • Could have different degrees of warnings
    • E.g. misconfigured clients which usually do not happen on production systems is not too concerned with actual error code
    • Situations where clients can recover at runtime must fail if wrong errors are returned
    • If best practice is to display an error, anything that does not display an error is a warning
    • Conformance suite has allow both options a) display error b) return error code
    • Warnings should have details of why warnings were issued
    • Trying to discern whether clients can recover from an error can be very subjective
    • E.g. MTLS client authentication either succeeds or fails and clients cannot automatically recover
    • Propose to go with the more restrictive case and decide on case by case basis
  • #617 - Security issue in the JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection specification
    • Could allow clients to introspect access tokens for other client applications
    • Privacy/security considerations of JWT response do not mention this possibility
    • JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection is in publication queue so it cannot be changed
    • Could add security considerations to our JWT spec
    • WG can add constraints in profiles
    • AS needs to distinguish between RS and clients
    • Introspection endpoint is loose on authorization policy
    • Is caller allowed to access the endpoint
    • Is caller allowed to introspect the presented token
    • Allowing clients to introspect tokens for other clients can be managed via metadata on backend
    • Daniel will try to add security considerations
  • #602 - "Client" is misleading in the context of signed introspection responses
  • #620 - Request for clarification on fapi1-advanced-final-par-pushed-authorization-url-as-audience-in-request-object test case
    • Probable confusion as result of link to wrong spec in the conformance test.
    • Conformance test has fixed the wrong reference
    • Issue will be closed
  • #617 - Security issue in the JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection specification
    • There is some existing text in some spec which covers this case, but it would be helpful to add additional clause by Daniel
  • #619 - Authentication property of FAPI 2.0
    • This issue is a result of some issues/scandals in Japan regarding national identification card
    • How does security analysis deal with the authentication property of FAPI 2.0?
    • Does it assume correctness of user authentication?
    • It’s borderline between security property and functional correctness
    • Not sure whether it will be addressed by FAPI 2.0 or will be a security consideration
    • Authentication property as currently defined is not broken by attack but maybe confused
    • FAPI 2.0 does not require OIDC so ID Tokens are not required which may prevent such confusion
    • Add security consideration regarding some mitigations by getting access to persistent subject identifiers
    • UK does not use persistent identifiers
    • Australia uses persistent PPIDs
    • In cases where there are no persistent user identifiers, user will have to go through the consent flow
    • It might be a good use case for grant management but it’s the authorization service’s decision when to reauthorize
    • Available resources can change when reauthorized
    • Risks associated with reauthorizations should be added to security considerations

7.   AOB (Nat)

The meeting adjourned at 14:55.
