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KROME / Prerequisities

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##1.1 Prerequisites

KROME has been developed to work mainly on Linux systems, but can run also on different OS if prerequisites are satisfied (has been tested on OSX so far).

a. Python

KROME requires python 2.7, usually shipped with your favourite OS.
Python 3 is not supported.

b. Fortran

KROME needs a FORTRAN compiler as GNU gfortran or Intel IFORT (recommended). To install the gnu compiler on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install gfortran
The tests provided with the package employ IFORT as default compiler, but you can change target when calling the Makefile (see here).

c. Lapack libraries (only if you want to use metal cooling)

LAPACK libraries are necessary for atomic metal cooling with more than three excitation levels.
On Linux

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev
Alternatively, if you want to compile the library by yourself, download and install LAPACK from following their instructions.
Note that Intel MKL are supported.

d. Gnuplot (optional)

If you want to use the plotting scripts released with the default tests, we strongly suggest to install gnuplot (>=3.7.1). Each test has its own gnuplot script (.gps) aimed at showing the output properly.

Install gnuplot on Linux with

sudo apt-get install gnuplot

To clone KROME from bitbucket you need git.
Again on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install git-all

f. Numpy/Scipy

In some cases (e.g. photochemistry) KROME needs additional libraries like Numpy/Scipy.
On Ubuntu with pip

sudo apt-get install python-pip  
sudo pip install numpy scipy

g. C compiler (only if you want to use the C interface, usually not needed)

C language compatibility: if you desire to interface KROME with a C program, you need a C compiler. An example is provided in the tests/wrapC folder, but you need Intel ICC to run it (free for Unix systems). We do not provide any test with non-intel C compilers, but you are welcome to contact us for help. Note also that the C wrapper is not extensively tested.

##1.2 Non-standard Python installations If you use a Python installation with an executable different from /usr/bin/python (e.g. if you use Anaconda) you should change the header of the file krome in the root repository with the proper executable path. This could lead to unexpected errors, as e.g. missing libraries messages.
