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openvibe-gipsa-extensions / Home


Recent updates:

  • Our boxes for the OpenVibe platform have been updated to compile with OpenVibe 3.2,3.3 or 3.4 32/64 bit.
  • Due to changes in OpenVibe 3.x and the removal of Ogre 3D framework you need to use OpenVibe 2.2 win32 to compile Brain Invaders from source code. A binary version of Brain Invaders is available for download.

What's This?: Our team at Gibsa-lab produces extensions for the OpenVibe(OV) platform and independent applications.

Our current focus is on P300 evoked potentials scenarios, which involves improving: digital signal processing, signal tagging and classification based on Riemannian geometry. We have developed a computer game called Brain Invaders where evoked potentials are used for shooting aliens :).

Software list:

Please check our Downloads page.

For troubleshooting check this page. Several common problems are explained.

Yo can learn much more from the list of all our pages.

Aknowledgements: The work deployed through this site has been partially funded by ANR project OpenViBE2, ANR project RoBIK and by AFM.

Publications: see here

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