Clone wikiopenvibe-gipsa-extensions / Home
Recent updates:
- Our boxes for the OpenVibe platform have been updated to compile with OpenVibe 3.2,3.3 or 3.4 32/64 bit.
- Due to changes in OpenVibe 3.x and the removal of Ogre 3D framework you need to use OpenVibe 2.2 win32 to compile Brain Invaders from source code. A binary version of Brain Invaders is available for download.
What's This?: Our team at Gibsa-lab produces extensions for the OpenVibe(OV) platform and independent applications.
Our current focus is on P300 evoked potentials scenarios, which involves improving: digital signal processing, signal tagging and classification based on Riemannian geometry. We have developed a computer game called Brain Invaders where evoked potentials are used for shooting aliens :).
Software list:
- OpenVibe-plugins-gipsa - extensions for the OV platform
- Brain Invaders - a real-time BCI game that uses P300. Features : 1-2 players, 5 game's modes, Fully adaptive, no training session required.
- Enhanced P300 scenarios for OpenVibe
- Gipsa-lab Installer - installs all on top of OpenVibe. Latest versions do not use an installer.
- C++ and .NET library for communication with OpenVibe
Please check our Downloads page.
For troubleshooting check this page. Several common problems are explained.
Yo can learn much more from the list of all our pages.
Aknowledgements: The work deployed through this site has been partially funded by ANR project OpenViBE2, ANR project RoBIK and by AFM.
Publications: see here
Related projects:
- Covariance toolbox (Matlab) - useful functions for Riemannian geometry
- Marco's OpenViBE Tools