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sage-mgmtv2 / Release Notes

Version 2.1.5 - Current


  • Inactive relationships can be surfaced Inactive Relationship Slider

  • Relationships can be set to delete once the relationship becomes inactive Flag Relationships to be deleted

  • Relationships can be set to inactive using bulk edit functions Flag Relationships to be deleted in Bulk

Version 2.1.4

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue where role names were being truncated when adding roles


  • The user modal now has a download button for relationships
  • Students will be notify of new advisors after the nightly upload. See the FAQ for more information.
  • SAGE Support will be notified of employee status change to remove users from Management => SAGE.


  • The Files Tray (AKA download menu) will now be sorted with your most recent files first

Version 2.1.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where expired access tokens prevented users from logging out or accessing app functionality
  • Fixed the issue where in some cases relationships were not deleted despite Management saying so


  • User Profiles: with user profiles you'll be able to view and act on individual users in Management all in one place. You can
    • See their roles and how many active relationships they have. You also have the ability to add or remove roles
    • View, add, remove and download their relationships

A user's profile can be access by clicking on their name either on the Users or Relationships page. User profile

User profile relationships

User profile roles


  • First and last name columns have been combined, making it possible to search by full names.
  • Role list/selections are now filtered for the current view:
    • When looking at Users you will only see roles that have been marked as either Organization-wide or All Students
    • When looking at Relationships you will only see roles that have been marked as One-to-one

Version 2.1.2

Bug fixes

  • Downloaded file list now updates properly if the user refreshes their page.
  • Fixed issue where users could upload a relationships file without specifying the relationship_type


  • Search bars for filtering Users and Relationships now require you to press the "Enter" key before searching begins.
  • Emails sent to new SAGE users now include instructions for joining the advising list serv.
  • File uploads are now relaxed such that unprocessable entries in a file will not prevent the entire file from being uploaded/processed.

Known Issues

Version 2.1.1

Bug fixes

  • The inability to add new user has been resolved


  • File uploads is not as picky. Lines with problems will be skipped instead of failing the whole operation. You will be able to see how many lines succeed as well as the problems with the lines that failed.

Relax upload

Version 2.1.0

Bug fixes

  • The "Unknown error occurred" error when uploading has been resolved.


  • A summary email instead of individual ones will be sent when a user appears more than once in an uploaded file. For example:

    Hello Prince Kannah,

    You have been assigned the following students by Prince Kannah:

  • Redesigned relationships download process and experience with the introduction of the Files Tray!

Management Files Tray

Files Tray ready files

All relationships file you choose to download will be listed here. While the file is being generated it'll be colored redish orange. When it is ready it'll be colored green. Click it to download. Clicking on an unready file simply closes the tray.

  • You can continue to use Management as usual while the file is being generated.
  • Once generated a file can be downloaded at any time. Come back 2 hours, a week or a whole month later, your files will still be available to download. Note: The list of files is kept in your browser cache. This means in the event that you do clear it that the files are gone.
  • Relationships created after requesting the file will NOT be included in the list. Relationships deleted after requesting the file will be included.

Known Issues

Version 2.0.2

Bug fixes

  • Outgoing relationship deleted emails should now display properly
  • You should now be able to filter by first and last name when viewing Relationships
  • Relationship files will now download in the background, allowing you to continue your work. Downloading users file remains unchanged. NOTE: Relationships created after starting the download will NOT be included in the list. Relationships deleted after starting the download will be included.
  • The bug preventing super users from filtering by organizations has been fixed
  • The bug preventing emails from being sent when student not found has been fixed


  • Link to the SAGE Management wiki has been added to the homepage. The wiki will be updated with information so please check it often.

Known Issues

Version 2.0.1

Bug fixes

  • Inability to search for students using first and last name when adding relationships has been fixed (issue #1)
  • Typos in notification emails have been fixed (issue #4)
  • Download is no longer a page at a time (issue #12)
  • You should now receive an error when uploading relationship & we were unable to find the listed students (issue #10)
  • Role names now have consistent casing (issue #17)
  • You should now see all students when adding relationships (issue #19)
  • You should now only see users in your organization when adding relationships (issue #9). This does not affect super users.
  • When filtering users by No roles you should see only users in your organization instead of everyone with no roles. This does not affect super users.


  • One-to-one roles (Primary Advisor, etc...) are now listed in the Modify User modal (issue #16)
  • Student ID number and advisors' MyID make their triumphant comeback (issue #8)
  • Name of relationship modifier will be included in notification emails. Basically, the person making/deleting a relationship will be listed in the notification email that goes out (issue #15).
  • Notification emails will now be sent when creating or deleting relationships via upload (issue #11). You can choose not to send emails.
  • You can now choose the format when downloading relationships (issue #7)
    • As a list - the downloaded file will have the same column headings as the table
    • Create - the downloaded file will have the same column headings as a create file
    • Update - the downloaded file will have the same column headings as a update file
    • Delete - the downloaded file will have the same column headings as a delete file

- Downloaded relationship list will mostly have the same columns as in version 1.0. The removed columns are credit_hours and academic_standing. These currently default to 0 and n/a, respectively.

  • User search when adding relationships has been replaced with a dropdown list (issue #9)
  • We've made changes to the table to hopefully make it easier to read (issues #5 & #6). Feedback here is greatly appreciated.

Known Issues

  • Text filters stop working after using a dropdown filter (issue #13). See here for a work around.
  • First and last name filters do not work when viewing the Relationships table. This will be fixed in the next update

Version 2.0.0

Improved Table

At the center of SAGE Management is the table. It has been redesign to be responsive, intuitive, and helpful.

Faster Load Times

Load times have been immensely improved. Management is now faster and more responsive.

Management loading image


Gone is the forever scrolling table. With pagination it is now easier to traverse the table. You can use the Next and Previous buttons or provide an exact page number. Pagination controls are available at the top and bottom of the table.

Table pagination

Intuitive Search & Filtering

The table has been de-cluttered and is more helpful. Whether looking at Users or Relationships, the important information is right there, alphabetize. With the new search and filtering options it's easier than ever to find what you're looking for.

User table search


Welcome Email

New users will automatically receive a welcome email!

Preferred Names

You can now provide preferred names for users that don't go by their legal name. This name is what will be displayed in SAGE! Preferred names can be added to existing users.

  • If only a preferred first name is provided it will be displayed as Preferred Legal-Last.
  • If a preferred first and last name is provided, it will be displayed as Preferred First Preferred Last.


You will be presented with suggestions when adding a new user. You can search for users by name, UGA MyID or ID number. Hovering on a suggestion shows you their full name, UGA MyID and ID number. This also applies when adding relationships.

SAGE Auto-suggest

Delete users

Users can now be deleted from SAGE Management. When a user is deleted:

  • All assigned roles are removed
  • All relationships they have are marked inactive and will be removed from SAGE as part of the nightly upload
  • Their account is marked inactive. They will not be able to log into SAGE or SAGE Management (if they have access)

Delete user

Note: The ability to delete users is only available to super users.


Notification Email

You now have the option to send an email to users when they are assigned a new student. They will automatically receive one when the relationship is deleted.

Update Template File

The column headings in the Update relationships template have been updated. They're now:

  • student_id, current_advisor_myid, current_relationship_type, advisor_myid, relationship_type.

Helpful Upload Errors

Error messages are now straightforward and helpful in the event you have mistakes in your file.


Roles Update

Role creation and modification is now relegated to super users.

Role scope

Roles now have scope to give you a better idea of the impact a relationship will have.

Role scopes

In addition to the above the following changes have also been implemented.

Bug fixes

  • Internal server errors will no longer log you out.
  • Users are now verified as SAGE Management users when they're assigned roles.
  • No more duplicates. Duplicate users and relationships are no longer allowed.


  • The Modify User and Modify Relationship modal will display the date of the last modification.
  • Toast messages have been added to provide feedback on actions you take:

Toast popover


  • Names, emails, and MyIDs now have proper, consistent casing.
  • We've added Pro-tips in certain screens and menus to provide best practice suggestions.
  • The Download File button on the Relationships page has been renamed to Download and can be use to download either users or relationships list.
