Flow thru with bypass credit fails with storage rights extension

Issue #21 duplicate
Bob Lounsbury created an issue

This is actually two separate but directly related issues.

A flow thru demand is not reduced by the flow occurring in the bypass credit link and/or it is taking water through links that it shouldn't. Also, in the attached example, no storage group contract water is delivered.

I have another network with a flow thru demand with a bypass credit link that has a natural flow right and a standard link that operates in the storage step only. The standard link in the storage step is taking water when there is already enough flow in the bypass credit link.

The same issues are seen in the attached 8.1 version of the network.

Comments (4)

  1. Enrique T

    If I'm understanding the issue correctly, it seems to me that you don't need the bypass credit link in this situation. The senior will use available natural flow and MODSIM treats return flows as natural flow, so if the junior gets satisfied from storage with more than what the senior needs, there is no need for the model to move 500 of natural flow through the system - again the senior can be satisfied with return flows. If you remove the bypass credit link both users get satisfied. I hope that helps.

  2. Bob Lounsbury reporter

    This bug demonstrates that with a bypass credit link defined, Junior is shorted. Whereas as you pointed out without a bypass credit link it not shorted. I think of Junior as a minimum flow requirement. So the minimum flow requested is 100, with a bypass credit link the flow is 60 and without it the flow is 100. I think the flow should be 100 in both cases (bypass credit link or no bypass credit link).

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