Flow Thru return location alters water allocation

Issue #23 closed
Bob Lounsbury created an issue

The attached network demonstrates a different water allocation dependent on whether a flow thru returns it's water upstream or downstream from another demand. My thought is that the overall allocation should be the same, maybe I'm thinking about it incorrectly.

I understand that those return flows can be redistributed, but in this example the flow thru demand should still get the same quantity of water delivered in either scenario due to it's available stored water.

To see the difference simply change the return location for the flow thru from BeforeDiversion to AfterDiversion.

Comments (6)

  1. Bob Lounsbury reporter

    Bug fix - closes #23. Proposed solution is to set bypass links minimum flow to the natural flow allocation. This way the flow thru node is always watching the correct flow in the bypass link and is forced to use storage ownership water to meet its demand.

    → <<cset a8e583dfa61b>>

  2. Enrique T

    See my thoughts on the duplicate issue (#21?). I don't this this is an issue if the bypass credit link is not set. I would question the need for bypass credit link in this setup.

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