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KROME / short_overview

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7.1 KROME & Bitbucket

KROME is developed and maintained through the Bitbucket platform. Bitbucket is based on git which is a very powerful tool to maintain, and keep track of the modifications and new features of the code.

Basic usage of Bitbucket is described in this very nice webpage.

Here following we sketch the most important commands to manage KROME within Bitbucket.

KROME is provided with a given changeset. Changesets can be collaborated on by users through commenting and approvals. The strategy adopted by the KROME team is to provide a stable changeset which has been tested and contains well-established physical modules (see details here).

The users can clone, fork, or create a branch of a given repository by using the sidebar on the Bitbucket page. Read Sect. 8.2 to see how to contribute/develop KROME.

As stated by the Bitbucket guide (here) the git clone command creates a copy of an existing git repository. Cloning is the most common way for developers to obtain a working copy of a central repository. To clone KROME type

git clone
in this way you will have on your machine a copy of the package.

Through the Bitbucket features KROME provides a comprehensive documentation (this Wiki) and a space where to discuss possible improvements to the package through the Issues.

To update your version of KROME to a new version type:

git pull origin
in your krome folder.

Before pulling an updated version can be better to know the status of the package development, to do this, type

git status
In this way git will show you a complete list of modifications.

The -v, -ver, and -version KROME options allow the users to know which version of the package they are using.
