test_gtsam breaks

Issue #282 closed
Laith Sahawneh created an issue

it seems that test_gtsam breaks at the third test! Is that an OS issue / cmake issue i need to take care of or a gtsam bug? Would you please advice

I have Matlab running on Ubuntu 14.04 (I know in gtsam/INSTALL you mention that it was only test on the following systems: - Ubuntu 11.04 - 13.10


Starting: testCal3Unified

Starting: testKalmanFilter

Starting: testJacobianFactor

Error using gtsam.CHECK (line 9)

CHECK actualCG.equals(expectedCG,1e-5) fails

Error in testJacobianFactor (line 59)


Error in test_gtsam (line 12)


Comments (8)

  1. Jacob Thomson

    Hi! The latest released version 3.2.1 is stable and test_gtsam.m will complete without error on Ubuntu version through to Xenial.

    The development version 4.0 however will not. (My guess is they don't develop in matlab much?)

    3 fixes, that make the tests pass at least:

    testJacobianFactor.m line 57, expectedCG needs a noise model of size 2.
    gtsam.h, define virtual Class GenericValue, with member void serializable() const.
    Fix BearingRangeFactor serialization and wrapping, Issue #281. (This isn't just a matlab specific error).

    Likely there will be more issues, a lot has changed. I can submit a pull request for these changes if you are interested? Most of them are straight forward but my solution for #281 is a bit different to an existing pull request.

  2. Laith Sahawneh reporter

    Thanks Jacob for your prompt reply. Yep, the README-gtsam-toolbox.txt states that newer Ubuntu versions unsupported by MATLAB (later than 10.04)! I was in the process of going through steps of README-gtsam-toolbox.txt and breaks when running the test_gtsam.m, hoping the MATLAB R2016a had the updated development!

    ultimately, I want to use GTSAM as on-line filter (only the single most recent poses is kept in the graph) and I thought the m-files in the unstable_examples (specifically ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothingExample.m) in GTSAM 4 would be a good start? I have GTSAM 3.2.1 working fine. Would you think I still can use GTSAM 3.2.1 to build the filter framework?

    I think pulling a request here to fix this issue will ultimately lead to fix another issues. Thanks

  3. Jacob Thomson

    Sorry I'm not personally familiar with that work, so I can't offer you much advice. Either use 3.2.1 and write your own, wait for them to release 4.0 or try contribute to it yourself.

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