Matlab toolbox testJacobianFactor fails

Issue #397 closed
Callum Robinson created an issue

Built develop 34cdd4f on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (bionic) with Matlab2018b.

Builds fine and all the make check tests pass.

However the matlab jacobian factor test fails:

Starting: testCal3Unified
Starting: testKalmanFilter
Starting: testJacobianFactor
Error using gtsam.CHECK (line 9)
CHECK actualCG.equals(expectedCG,1e-5) fails

Error in testJacobianFactor (line 59)

Error in test_gtsam (line 12)

This can be solved by adding a diagonal noise mode to the gaussian conditional on line 58 of testJacobianFactor.m, see attached for the edited file.

Once changed, a few more tests pass until testSerialization:

 Starting: testCal3Unified
Starting: testKalmanFilter
Starting: testJacobianFactor
Starting: testValues
Starting: testPriorFactor
Starting: testLocalizationExample
Starting: testOdometryExample
Starting: testPlanarSLAMExample
Starting: testPose2SLAMExample
Starting: testPose3SLAMExample
Starting: testSFMExample
Starting: testStereoVOExample
Starting: testVisualISAMExample
Starting: testUtilities
Starting: testSerialization
Error using gtsam_wrapper
Exception from gtsam:
unregistered class - derived class not registered or exported

Error in gtsam.Values/string_serialize (line 364)
        varargout{1} = gtsam_wrapper(1211, this, varargin{:});

Error in testSerialization (line 43)
serialized_values = values.string_serialize();

Error in test_gtsam (line 53)

Will start looking into the serialisation test.

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