Exams JasperReports

Issue #341 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Refer to the workbook used for the digest and make sure there is a JasperReport version of all of the exams analysis. Refer to fedemis\exams\Exams National Results for Last Three Years by ExamName.jrxml as an example.

Integrate those reports into the larger report books (e.g. School Report Card)

Comments (15)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Add these two book reports:

    • Exams Report Summary by Nation
    • Exams Report Summary by State (Call it "Atolls and Islands" in RMI)
  2. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest We have gone through the digest and we found the reports to be created for exams report book. We have started working on exams report summary by Nation.

    1. Exam results by Exam, Standard, benchmark and Gender
      We have found a report similar to like this and created this report (Refer: Exams Results for Nation wide Performance by Benchmarks.pdf)
    2. Exam results by Exam, Standard, Year and Gender
      We have found a report similar to like this but the existed report does not have gender wise data. we have added gender wise data in the report. (Refer: Exams Results for Nation wide Performance by Standards.pdf)
    3. Exam results by Exam, Year, Standard, Benchmark, Level of Achievement and Gender
      We have created a new report (Refer: Nation Exam Results by Exam, Year, Standard, Benchmark, Level of Achievement and Gender.pdf)

    We are going to create report book using these above three reports. Please review and let us know if any other report can be added and if any changes required in the above reports.

  3. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest we have created exams summary report book by nation with the above three reports.

    In the digest there are two more reports (1. Exams Results Comparing States and 2. Exams Results by State, Standard, Benchmark, Level of Achievement and Gender) showing the data by state level. By looking at the report and data we understood that these two reports also need to be added in the exam nation’s report book.

    Please check and confirm.

    In ‘Exams Results Comparing States' report, data was shown by exam standard, state and gender wise. In RMI we have more number of states, if we show the same report for RMI data then chart will not look good. Please check and share your inputs.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe my username is not @Ghislain Hachey but @ghachey. You will get replies faster if you address the correct person.

  5. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe I don’t have the customizer chart. Need the jar and the source code for all exams charts if you have more then one.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe The PDF above seems like incomplete report lacking the normal header seen in all other reports? Why?

  7. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey , The PDF files which we are shared are part of the Exams report book. Those are not individual reports.

    We have used the same chart customizer (reporting-1.0.jar) which was used in previous Exam reports. I can share you the same jar file but we do not have the source code as it was shared by you only.

  8. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe ok thanks. This is ok. I will share with you the source code if you need to improve or build a similar one. If you do work on it please change the domain structure in the Java source from com.rapidservices to org.pacific-emis

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