Re-design School Accreditation Reports with Charts JasperReports

Issue #736 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

All the nation and state reports that contain stacked bar charts for the 4 levels of accreditation should be re-designed. But let’s keep a copy of the old version and call it Classic. For example:

“National Standard Performance Scores” should be renamed to “National Standard Performance Scores Classic” including in the title and description of the published report. Then re-design the “National Standard Performance Scores” to have the chart styled like follows. That is, the stacked bars should be horizontal, the 0 axis separating the level 1 from the level 2, 3, 4, the exact color schema as below, and full text description on the left (the chart itself can be made smaller to make space for the labels on the left)

Comments (18)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey ,

    As discussed, we have made the changes to show criteria text descriptions on the left. We have just criteria text description to each chart and we have not modified any other changes in chart. The chart itself will be resized based on criteria text description length and chart axis will be adjusted dynamically.

    In the report, for teacher performance section we can see that the chart axis is showing values in negative numbers for Level 1.

    Please check and confirm if this is okay

    Please find the attached report pdf.

    Please confirm if we should do the same changes in Classic report also.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe No, you do not make changes to the classic report. It is there merely to show the improvement in the analysis with the new version.

    The negative values seem wrong. I don’t get them when I query the database myself. Need closer investigation

  3. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey ,

    The values which are showing in negative axis are not actually the negative values. As we are separating level 1 by 0 axis so level 1 values will come on the left side of the 0 axis and the axis will be shown in negative range.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe that is ok yes. To put the non accredited schools on the left of the axis. All good.

  5. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey , in FSM the criteria names are too large for few criterias,
    example question : All student performance data, including classroom assessment, teacher observations, student portfolios and test data, is analyzed by all teachers during regular assessment meetings to identify individual students’ strengths and weaknesses, including students with IEPs..

    So the place is not sufficient to display the question in the report and the report is going blank. We even tried to display the the criteria name in two lines but it did not work. So please confirm how to overcome with this situation.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe Some might be a litte too long maybe. But I see you can gain space in the chart itself. You have half the space taken by the bar chart. This could be reduced making more space for the text. Also Try it over 2-3 lines. If longer then 3 lines truncate the text.

  7. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey , we have made criteria name changes in the FSM - School Accreditation Report, the criteria names can be seen in two 3 lines for large criteria names, as you can see the image for criteria 3, the text is shown in 3 lines,.

    And another change with the level 1 which is showing from 0 axis to right like shown in the image, please confirm if this is correct.

    please review the attached pdf.

  8. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe what happen to having the level 1 showing on the left of the 0 axis? This is how it should be. Change for both fedemis and miemis will be required to reflect this. The rest seems pretty good.

  9. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe where can I get the custom bar chart customizer? I can’t run the report in the Jasper Studio. I also need the source code for that custom chart.

  10. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey , As discussed earlier we have shifted the left axis to the right of the 0 axis

  11. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey please find the attached source code file. This chart customizer jar was used show the criteria names in multiple 2 or more lines in the chart

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