Various JasperReports to review

Issue #765 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

From @Shraddha Tambe email.

Report status

1. School - Completed

a. School Information

b. No.of buildings

c. No.of classrooms with good and bad condition

d. Electricity source, type of electricity source

e. Communication

2. Schools (State/Nation Version) - Completed

  • Buildings

i. Total number of schools based on number of buildings range

f. Services

i. Total number of schools based on number of classrooms range

ii. Total number of schools based on Percentage of classrooms condition

iii. Electricity wise no.of schools

iv. Electricity source wise no.of schools

g. Communication

i. Total number of schools by communication type and its availability of technologies/communications

3. Hygiene facilities for the schools report (Nation Version) - Completed

4. Schools having children's with Disability (State/Nation Version)- Completed

5. Teachers Civil Status (State Version) - Completed

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I will use this issue to review all of Helical’s jasperreports and push to the master repo.

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