Indicators Report investigation issue with school number JasperReport

Issue #777 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

As reported by Weison in FSM:

Please also note that the number of school in the reports from the FedEMIS does not reflect the updates we have done to the data.

If you look at the school list and filter by state for each state and then look at the report, like "School Summary", the count of schools are not the same. The count in the school listing when filtering is the correct number but not the count in the reports.

Comments (6)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey ,

    In RMI reports we have verified each report deeply, found few observations and created a List of MIEMIS Reports document, which contains detailed observations of each report and their fixes.

    Issues related to School count has been fixed in all RMI reports, along with that there are many other observation which are fixed, please go through the List of MIEMIS Reports document to see the report observations. We hope making the same changes in FedEMIS report would solve the issues.

    There are few pending reports to verify with Production JasperServer, please update the new sql views in production that we shared or you can give access to production database to us.

    We don’t have any school count related data showing in Indicators reports so we are not clear with the issue you mentioned in the ticket.

    Please let us know when you are available, so we can have call and discuss.

    Please find the attachment List of MIEMIS Reports.

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