Teachers Close to Retirement JasperReports

Issue #678 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Need a report to help decision makers with teachers that we know will be leaving the workforce. As a starting point we could list the total of teachers and at what school they are that are 5 years or less then retirement. The age of retirement in FSM is 60 but this could be different in other countries. The report should group the teachers by how close they are to retirements. Something like:

Teacher 1 year from retirement

teacher A, age, school, highest qualification, grades taught

teacher B, age, school, highest qualification, grades taught

Teacher 2 year from retirement

teacher C, age, school, highest qualification, grades taught

teacher D, age, school, highest qualification, grades taught

etc. (Do the grouping up to “Teacher 5 year from retirement”)

Comments (14)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    We are working on creating the “Nation” version of this report. Below are few questions :

    1. Year (survey year) will be a parameter to this report. Is this correct ?
    2. For selected survey year, we are picking the qualification (code_group = academic degrees) from “teachers qualifications” table to be shown under highest qualification. Currently, we did not come across any teacher with more than 1 degree, but is it possible ? If so, how do we know which one is “highest” ?
    3. To get teacher teaching grades, we are using dbo.teacherSurvey table and picking these two columns "tchClass and tchClassMax". For one teacher we have multiple entries. can we use the column "tchStatus" to get the latest entry? Is this correct ? Or does it mean he/she is teaching all these grades and we should show the list (comma separated)?
    4. We will keep a hidden parameter (not exposed in UI) for retirement age, so that it can be configured with a appropriate default value for different countries. Is this fine ?
  2. Shraddha Tambe

    If warehouse has been refactored for RMI / FSM, can we have the latest data dumps ? So that we can ensure that new reports are using refactored tables.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Year (survey year) will be a parameter to this report. Is this correct ?


    For selected survey year, we are picking the qualification (code_group = academic degrees) from “teachers qualifications” table to be shown under highest qualification. Currently, we did not come across any teacher with more than 1 degree, but is it possible ? If so, how do we know which one is “highest” ?

    Actually, for now, no need for highest. Pick the one. Most only have one for now. We will improve the query later on.

    To get teacher teaching grades, we are using dbo.teacherSurvey table and picking these two columns "tchClass and tchClassMax". For one teacher we have multiple entries. can we use the column "tchStatus" to get the latest entry? Is this correct ? Or does it mean he/she is teaching all these grades and we should show the list (comma separated)?

    Actually I wrote a Temp warehouse view which is like TeacherSurvey but contains a bit more data. Check that one one from the latest DB. If more then one teacher for now display them but and I will look into it.

    We will keep a hidden parameter (not exposed in UI) for retirement age, so that it can be configured with a appropriate default value for different countries. Is this fine ?


  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe I have shared in the same place as usual the latest DB. Refer to the view TempWorkbookSchoolStaff which is like TeacherSurvey but with all the available data. This view will of course eventually be packaged up better but we can use it for now until that time comes.

  5. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey

    We have created the teachers close to retirement report using the view “TempWorkbookSchoolStaff“. We have added teacherId to this view. In this view “Age“ column having some different values like “#Value!“ and negative values. Please check.

    Please find the attached report and have a look.

    Please share your feedback on the same.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe Please move the teacher table aligned as shown below. And properly space all fields so that all rows display in a single line.

    With this modification in you publish the report.

  7. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey ,

    We have modified the “Teachers close to retirement” report and published in RMI Jasper Server. While running the report we are getting error,It seems the view “TempWorkbookSchoolStaff“ does not exits in RMI production server.

  8. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey,

    We have modified the query for “Teachers close to retirement” and published in RMI production server, Please review.

  9. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe this seems pretty good. Please confirm it was also pushed into production in FEDEMIS. We can’t access FEDEMIS for now as there is an issue with resolving the domain name, but this should be resolved soon.

  10. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey , we have published the report in RMI only but we have the modified report for FedEMIS in FedEMIS/Teachers folder. Once the FedEMIS server is up then we can publish that report

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