Port all existing SchoolAccreditation reports to the new warehouse tables/views JasperReport

Issue #687 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Look at all the reports for School Accreditation (and also the school accreditation subreports that might be elsewhere such as in School Report Card). Currently most of them are using Temp warehouse views. They need to be ported to the new final warehouse table/views. Those reports remain the same, just the queries will now need to use the correct views. Other changes may be required as well.

Here are the key warehouse tables/view

  • warehouse.accreditations
  • warehouse.BestInspection

You may also find the following views useful.

  • pInspectionRead.SchoolStandardAssessment
  • pInspectionRead.SSACriteria
  • pInspectionRead.SSAStandard
  • pInspectionRead.SSACategoryType
  • pInspectionRead.SSATally
  • pInspectionRead.SSATallyByStandard
  • pInspectionRead.SSATallyByCategoryType

I will be putting more information as I get it here..

Comments (8)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey

    All the School Accreditations reports from RMI have been updated with new warehouse tables (Reports from School Accreditation Folder and School Report Card).

    We can deploy the reports into RMI Jasper Server but currently unable to access it, also not sure if all the new views/tables are present in the prod DB. Let us know whether to deploy the reports into the server or send you updated report jrxml’s (Jaspersoft Workspace).

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe have all these been published to production for both FedEMIS and MIEMIS?

  3. Shraddha Tambe

    @Ghislain Hachey Yes Ghislain, we have published all these reports in both FedEMIS and MIEMIS

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