Bot's improvements

Issue #83 closed
tenexion created an issue

Equip: The bots have some Random gear equipt, this can be abused to make a lot of gold, create a bot take all it's items and sell it to vendor. Maybe add them Heirloom they scale on levelup and can not be sold.

Crowd Controll: Bot's can CC any Boss, this can be abused to down Heroic Boss's and get Achievment's easy Mode.Guess this is because Bot's don#t use Player Spell's so they are not imune to it.

Lowlevel balance: Any Bot on lower level doing over 1k melee Hit's so your Bot can basically instant kill any mob( This is only on lowlevel's, on higher level 20+ it's ok). I know there is Bot.DamageMult in config but if i set it to lower then their dps on higher level's will be to low.

Comments (2)

  1. trickerer repo owner

    1) Yes, bots have some initial equipment is main hand, off-hand and ranged slots and I especially marked these as standard items so these items cannot be given to player.

    2) All crowd controll spells used by bots are player spells and bots' ai always checks if target is immune to spell bot uses, so if bots CC bosses that means boss lacks immunities.

    3) Must be a side-effect of recent changes of creatures' damage, cannot say anything here yet.

  2. trickerer repo owner

    NPCBots v4.0.16a

    Make bots static in world (Closes #77, Closes #72, Closes #89, Closes #90, Closes #68, Closes #96, Closes #101, Closes #104). Drop 4.3.4 branch support (Closes #74, Closes #75, Closes #85, Closes #87) Add basic honor for bots (Closes #30). Bots' stats are no longer depend on players (Closes #83, Ref #97, Ref #98). Convert equips from ItemTemplate from Item and make bots use real items and benefit from all items properties except certain class ability improvements (increase damage, decrease cast time, etc.) (Closes #51). Add Auto-equip option, allows to quick-equip items with simple item comparison algorithm (item level) (Closes #63). Add 'Unequip all' option, allows to unequip all items (Closes #95). Make npcbots' stats fully player-like (Ref #97, Closes #98). Disable custom cooldowns (Closes #97, Closes #100). Modify bots' formation to never spread too much (Closes #99). Allow bots to attack neutral units (Closes #107). Allow npcbots to queue into Dungeon Finder with master (Closes #20). No manual yet

    → <<cset 82d2382ad8bd>>

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