Feature Request: Bots roll on loot

Issue #63 closed
Josh Carter created an issue

With the new changes in bots recently, I think it would be a nice feature to have bots roll on loot. I am not sure how it could be implemented, but having them roll on loot would keep the player from having to replace equipment constantly. They could just roll greed always, and then if player really wants item they can need it.

Even better, but again not sure if even possible, to have them only roll on upgrades for themselves... That seems like it might be far fetched though. Anyways, just an idea.

Comments (7)

  1. trickerer repo owner

    Bots cannot roll on items like players do, there are typeid checks everywhere in roll system. But I think it is possible for bots to make an item request when master recieves an item which bot can benefit from so bot will automatically equip that item in proper slot. I must think on this.

  2. Maxxgold

    Having bots roll on loot is a horrible idea. I can just see it now. You have been trying to get an item for a few weeks and the bot rolls on it and takes it from you. haha

  3. mack sparn

    If there is a 'if' statement set that if a real person rolls need, you will get the priority of it, and the bots 'need' roll becomes fizzled.

  4. Maxxgold

    Yeah that would work but having bots roll on loot is just not necessary. i would much rather have something like bots working for Dungeon Finder.

  5. trickerer repo owner

    Maybe it would be better to make bots just whisper their master if they need an item he has received, something like "Hey, I need this <itemname> too!".

    Requirements are same: autoequip for bots, items comparison algorithm

  6. trickerer repo owner

    NPCBots v4.0.16a

    Make bots static in world (Closes #77, Closes #72, Closes #89, Closes #90, Closes #68, Closes #96, Closes #101, Closes #104). Drop 4.3.4 branch support (Closes #74, Closes #75, Closes #85, Closes #87) Add basic honor for bots (Closes #30). Bots' stats are no longer depend on players (Closes #83, Ref #97, Ref #98). Convert equips from ItemTemplate from Item and make bots use real items and benefit from all items properties except certain class ability improvements (increase damage, decrease cast time, etc.) (Closes #51). Add Auto-equip option, allows to quick-equip items with simple item comparison algorithm (item level) (Closes #63). Add 'Unequip all' option, allows to unequip all items (Closes #95). Make npcbots' stats fully player-like (Ref #97, Closes #98). Disable custom cooldowns (Closes #97, Closes #100). Modify bots' formation to never spread too much (Closes #99). Allow bots to attack neutral units (Closes #107). Allow npcbots to queue into Dungeon Finder with master (Closes #20). No manual yet

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