Feature Request: Bots on world

Issue #77 closed
David Magalhães created an issue

Let's say you dont use any command like .npcbot helper

Bots are spread around the world like normal players, and they appear on who list, u just invite them to your group and they can accept or not!


Comments (20)

  1. soul drain

    yes it is possible on mangos core there is already somethink like that. But what i can tell you is that this will require alot of bandwich and top hardware to be able to run a server. Also Server is very unstable.

  2. trickerer repo owner

    @silvermcd123 this is a totally different concept of bots. To do this I need to rework the very roots of the system (sounds more like different npcbots mod), this is not going to happen any time soon.

    Still, I'll leave this one open, we'll see when it is the time for this will come

  3. AS Joao

    It would be possible to take advantage of the system that already exists in the functioning of creatures and create virtual players as well?

  4. trickerer repo owner

    @mastersync let me ask you: what do you expect to see ingame? Some kind of 'rare' creatures spawned around the world which will behave in combat like npcbots do but with loot? Because in terms of coding it looks more like scripting custom creatures (I have nothing against it) that addition to the npcbots mod

  5. AS Joao

    I think that would be a starting point. Use this system to create fake players with whom our selves to our selves duels and invite to our group list as npcbots (or something similar). The idea would be to add fake players on both sides (orda and alliance). As the number of fake players set in the configuration file. This would be my proposal not know if it's possible.

  6. Kittnz

    I think personally, the thing that everyone wants is fake players but those who play the game. Run around with waypoints, do quests (just like level bots pretty much), trade, having a chat system, running raids, farm ore/herbs... you get what i am going too, it's perfect for single player & low population servers.

    I know this would use a lot of resources, in a single player game when grids unload you can unload these bots too..

    I know i said a lot of things, not everything is achievable, such as the questing at start, but the once who are easyier is the waypoint system and chat system and ask players to join lfg & do raids.

    Anyway i'm just brainstorming here, food for thought!

    Thanks already for your hard work and maintaining it!

  7. trickerer repo owner

    More or less, I made bots able to act without master, but they still can only attack. I am gonna make all bots unique in world, and they will never be removed from world (can teleport event between maps).
    Creatures cannot act without players in player view distance (~90 yd), I could only make bots update with player within grid (~533 yd).
    Now I have problems with mmaps, bots are usually stuck in place trying to reach their target. Fixing that will take some time.

    So I made some progress but I guess next update is not coming before 2014.
    P.S. seems like it makes new version on Npcbots

  8. Kittnz

    To clarify, what i ment with run around with waypoints is like in citys or quest zones and stuff, to make it more alive hehe.

    Sounds like you are working hard on it tho, looking forward to see what you are changing and adding!

  9. jood love

    Из вашего разговора,правильно ли я понял, то что боты станут независимыми от игрока и будут свободными?

  10. trickerer repo owner

    Боты будут уникальными в мире, это однозначно. Их можно будет нанимать, но пока у бота нет хозяина, или он оффлайн, тогда да, в это время боты будут свободными. Пока бот принаждежит какому-либо игроку другие игроки не смогут его взять себе.

    Думаю будет что-то вроде этого.

  11. jood love

    А,не будет ли так что они построют себе черные кварталы...борьба за независимость...обама)) Потом придется устраивать рейды на их группировки)) В целом идея неплоха,можно еще больше разнообразить ботов включив в них программу уникальности.Заключается она в следующем: на данный момент боты выполняют программу строго по плану,тоесть сколько положено сделать действий-столько и делают. Те иначе говоря моделируют опытного игрока,но есть ведь и не опытные игроки...Мое предложение в том что бы боты учились приминять спелы в определенной последовательности,создавая сами себе шаблон для действий,по началу использую рандомные способности,затем спустя определенное время создали себе шаблон исходя из полученого опыта.Шаблон не имеет ограничености в количестве,и допустим на каждого нпс он будет сам создаваться.Как вот например когда я начинал играть,я тыкал способности без понятия,и на боса даже кидал мут или стан.Спустя какое то время понял что эти способности не работают на определенном нпс и более их не использовал. А еще сейчас на данный момент боты используют ману как бесконечность,это немного неправильно. И таланты у них все исследованы,с талантами тоже можно шаблоны сделать,те бот будет во время того как свободен от рейдов использовать пулученый потенциал(по урону,или хилу,контролю) создавать свой неповторимый набор талантов.

  12. Maxxgold

    Need to make it so you can charge a set amount for each bot. The scale system is ok but I would like to have a set amount to be able to use a bot.

  13. Maxxgold

    Tie the bots into the account system so that you can restrict who can use a bot. As a server operator I would like to issue bots to players instead of letting them have total control.

  14. trickerer repo owner

    @mastersync bit by bit (damnit, I just can't say 'soon').

    @Maxxgold it is a good point of being able to restict bots usage, but please save your suggestions for later as the system itself is not complete (they should go into separate issues)

  15. mack sparn

    Hello, is anyone able to make a video-youtube tutorial for combining setting up trinitycore with the player bots? I can get trinitycore compiled and working alone, but always fail when i try add this bot system.

    (have played it though, from jcarters 3.3.5a pack) but havent seen any of the new features for a few months. (sorry if this is the wrong place to ask)

  16. Maxxgold

    It's as simple as putting the NPCBots.patch in the folder you download to from git and using git bash with patch -p1 < NPCBots.patch paramaters Your doing something wrong or you are compiling with older software.

  17. trickerer repo owner

    NPCBots v4.0.16a

    Make bots static in world (Closes #77, Closes #72, Closes #89, Closes #90, Closes #68, Closes #96, Closes #101, Closes #104). Drop 4.3.4 branch support (Closes #74, Closes #75, Closes #85, Closes #87) Add basic honor for bots (Closes #30). Bots' stats are no longer depend on players (Closes #83, Ref #97, Ref #98). Convert equips from ItemTemplate from Item and make bots use real items and benefit from all items properties except certain class ability improvements (increase damage, decrease cast time, etc.) (Closes #51). Add Auto-equip option, allows to quick-equip items with simple item comparison algorithm (item level) (Closes #63). Add 'Unequip all' option, allows to unequip all items (Closes #95). Make npcbots' stats fully player-like (Ref #97, Closes #98). Disable custom cooldowns (Closes #97, Closes #100). Modify bots' formation to never spread too much (Closes #99). Allow bots to attack neutral units (Closes #107). Allow npcbots to queue into Dungeon Finder with master (Closes #20). No manual yet

    → <<cset 82d2382ad8bd>>

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